Annual Center Membership

July 2024-June 2025


Center Membership

Center Membership Drive runs May1st, 2024 through June 14th, 2024!


Membership and full participation in the life of the Center is open to all individuals who have an interest in psychoanalytic ideas and applications. The Center sponsors psychoanalytic seminars, weekend educational workshops, short courses, study groups, community outreach, a film series, and social events. CEUs or CMEs for all licensed practitioners are available. Benefits of membership include listings on the Centers website and on APsA’s national roster, communication of all Center programs and periodic newsletters, member discounts for certain programs, and access to the PEP-Web archive of psychoanalytic literature.


The Center welcomes your interest, involvement, and participation, and values diversity in thought and membership.



• Regular Membership- $250.00

Eligible for all Center activities, offices* and benefits, including access to PEP-Web and free CEUs/CMEs for Monday night seminars. GKCPI Candidates paying full tuition are automatically Regular Members.

• Sustaining Membership- $795.00

Eligible for all Regular Membership benefits and occasional special events in recognition of professional and financial leadership. Includes a $50 coupon to be used toward any workshop registration or Annual Dinner fee. 


 • Student Membership- $75.00

Eligible for all Center activities and Regular Membership benefits. Students (undergraduate, graduate, interns, residents) from any academic discipline who are interested in learning more about psychoanalysis are eligible.

* Only APsA members may serve as Councilor and Alternate Councilor.


Please contact for additional information.