There is a
renewed interest in the use of psychedelics for treating psychiatric disorders, often referred to as the "Psychedelic
Renaissance." While psychedelics are currently classified as Schedule I Controlled Substances with no accepted medical use, the
FDA has approved their use in research due to promising results in preliminary studies addressing conditions such as PTSD,
addiction, depression, anxiety, OCD, and terminal cancer-related anxiety.
resurgence of interest raises profound questions: Where does psychoanalytic theory fit within these emerging treatment
modalities? How is neuroscience advancing our understanding of brain function during the psychedelic experience? Furthermore,
what might this mean within the framework of Freud’s structural theory of the mind?
Could the
mystical experiences induced by psychedelics provide a bridge between science and spirituality, particularly in easing the fear
of dying in terminal cancer patients? What is the role and value of integrating psychotherapy before, during, and after the
psychedelic experience?
As we stand
at the crossroads of science, psychology, and spirituality, we find ourselves with more questions than answers. Dr. Manuel
Morales will lead this discussion and explore these questions with us.
attending this session, participants should be able to:
Describe the common ground shared by Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, and Spirituality.
Summarize the contributions from Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy to ease dying anxiety, addictions, depression, general
anxiety, PTSD, and OCD.