New! Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Seminar Series

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The Urgent and Timely Wisdom of James Baldwin


This seminar will be devoted to the careful reading, study, and discussion of selected essays by James Baldwin.  We will especially focus on Baldwin’s insights into the social/historical and psychological/emotional dynamics that inform and perpetuate racism in our country.  We will augment the study of his essays with selected psychoanalytic writings that both reflect and illuminate the ideas and insights that Baldwin has left to us.


This course is open to all interested.  However, enrollment is limited to the first 15 people to register.


Instructors:  Paul Koehler, LCSW, and Karen Fraley, LCSW


Paul Koehler, LCSW, is a graduate of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies and of the Washington School of Psychiatry’s Object Relations Training Program.  He is a faculty member of the Greater Kansas City Psychoanalytic Institute.  He is in private practice in Doylestown, PA.


Karen Fraley, LCSW, holds a certification in Object Therapy from the International Psychotherapy Institute and is a current faculty member there. Karen is in private practice in Exton, PA. 



2024-25 Dates: 

October 16, November 20, December 18, January 15, 

February 19, March 19, April 16, May 21

 (8 sessions)


Time:  7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Central Time on Zoom



$295 Regular Attendees (includes up to 12 CMEs)

 $250 GKCTPC Members (includes up to 12 CMEs)

   $140 Candidates/students (includes up to 12 CMEs)



Learning Objectives:

After attending these sessions:

  1. Participants will we able to describe the social/historical and psychological/emotional obstacles James Baldwin encountered and overcame in his rise to prominence as writer and social commentator.
  2. Participants will be able to describe and assess Baldwin’s explication of the dynamics of racism and link them to the psychoanalytic concepts of projective and introjective identification as described by John Steiner, Fakhry Davids, and other psychoanalytic theorists.





To register, please click here 

or visit our website .

ACCME Accreditation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and the Greater Kansas City Psychoanalytic Institute. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


AMA Credit Designation Statement

The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


Disclosure Statement

The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.

1000 E 24th St., #4E-53, Kansas City, MO 64108

816-512-7438 |