Many psychotherapists who are seeking ways to deepen and expand their work are interested in psychoanalytic training. This is also true for researchers or scholars from other disciplines all who look to psychoanalytic training to increase their effectiveness in their own fields.
Psychoanalytic training can provide important tools:
• an ability to recognize and work in depth with unconscious intrapsychic and interactional phenomena;
• a surer grasp of transference and countertransference;
• an ability to use therapeutic empathic capacities and other aspects of oneself more effectively;
• and a greater and more precise array of theoretical understandings and technique.
Often applicants are seeking the intellectual stimulation, emotional depth, and immersion in relational and humanistic values that psychoanalytic training provides.
Psychoanalytic Training Program
There are three classifications of candidates in the GKCPI psychoanalytic training program: clinical psychoanalytic candidates, academic candidates and advanced candidates.
Those who plan to practice clinical psychoanalysis train as clinical psychoanalytic candidates. This training includes a personal analysis, a four-year seminar curriculum, and supervised clinical experience in conducting psychoanalytic treatment with several patients. The goal of psychoanalytic training is to integrate these three processes to foster the candidate’s psychological understanding and sensitivity and to develop the candidate’s mastery over the theory and technique of psychoanalysis.
For academic candidates, those who do not intend to practice clinical psychoanalysis, the training is essentially the same except they will not have the supervised clinical experience. The Academic Candidate Program is ideal for scholars, researchers, academics, and others who seek know more about psychoanalysis in order to enhance their efforts in their own fields. Individuals will participate in the didactic training program including courses in development, psychopathology, theory, ethics, and exposure to clinical material. We welcome the opportunity for interdisciplinary discourse which such students may facilitate. Mental health education and clinical experience are not required for admission.
Candidates who have completed the didactic training program but are still working on their clinical requirements are advanced candidates.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program
Therapists who wish to enhance their skills by learning psychoanalytic principles but who do not choose to undertake full psychoanalytic training have the option of enrolling in the two-year training program in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The objective of this post- graduate training program is to improve psychotherapy skills through comprehension of developmental and psychoanalytic theory. We address the depth of psychoanalytic understanding within an interpersonal relationship in a multi-theoretical context. The full spectrum of psychoanalytic orientations is taught and discussed. Students in the psychotherapy training program complete the first two years of classes with the psychoanalytic candidates in our combined program and carry supervised clinical cases. A personal analysis is not required for this program.
The Institute welcomes applications to the clinical programs from psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, and other qualified mental health clinicians. Individuals who do not fully meet the standard criteria may also be considered. The Institute is required to obtain waivers of the standard eligibility requirements for such applicants. Applicants should have a master’s or doctoral degree in their field, a current license to practice, and malpractice insurance. Applicants are considered without regard to race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical disability. There is a non -refundable application fee of $150.
An application form may be downloaded here or obtained from the administrative office of the Institute. Following submission of the written application, which includes an autobiography, each applicant is interviewed to determine suitability. Evaluation of aptitude for psychoanalytic work is a process which continues throughout training.
Greater Kansas City-Topeka Psychoanalytic Center.
1000 E. 24th St., 4E-53
Kansas City, MO 64108